Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): Zenit RA t-TG IgA
Code: 41422
Parameter/assay principle: Quantitative detection of IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase | Estimation of total IgA concentrations (valuable in IgA anti-tTG negative samples)
Number of tests:100
Sample type: Serum or plasma (EDTA, Heparin)
Sample volume:4 µL
Incubation time:10 + 10 minutes
Stability of calibration: 2 weeks
Cartridge stability on board:8 weeks
Measuring range: 0-200 AU/mL
Results (AU/mL)* : Negative for IgA anti-tTG 0.8-9.9 | Possible IgA deficiency < 0.8 (<25 mg/dL) | Positive for IgA anti-tTG ≥ 10
Clinical specificity: 96.7%
Clinical sensitivity: 98.4%
Limit of detection: 4.7 AU/mL**
Precision: Intra-assay CV% ≤ 6.7 | Inter-assay CV% ≤ 4.4
Relative specificity§: 89.2%
Relative sensitivity§: 98.0%
*for Zenit RA t-TG IgA kit data refer to total IgA levels; **refers to IgA anti-tTG; §versus a commercial ELISA method
For optimal results the use of Zenit RA Celiac Control set (cod. 41452) is recommended.