

1. Data Controller and DPO. The Data Controller is the company MENARINI DIAGNOSTICS SA, based in the address L. Vouliagmenis 575, 16451 Argiroupolis Athens, (“we”, the “Company” or the “Controller”), which may be reached by contacting the Company headquarters ( and/or by writing to the Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) of the MENARINI Group ( 

2. What data we process and for what reason. We process the Personal Data you provide during the selection process (in the application form, by sending your CV, during the job interview, as well as the data we collect by our recruitment agencies etc). These data include, in particular, your name, contact details, areas of professional interest, employment status, information pertaining to your professional expectations, your educational background, your skills and experience, your CV, the additional information you may provide in the course of our contacts as well as the data which the Controller may collect, also from third parties, in the course of its activities (“Data”). These Data may also include data relating to your health (supplied by yourself to us or to a recruitment agency) when necessary for the recruitment process under the applicable law, in order to assess your application. Please be informed that we may process your Data only for the purpose of assessing the applications we receive to evaluate the possibility of starting an employment relationship and/or collaboration with the Company, as this is necessary to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (art. 6 1.b). We also process your data to meet legal obligations (art. 6.1.c), to pursue our legitimate interests (art. 6.1.f) and to carry out the obligations and exercising specific rights in the field of employment and social security and social protection law (art. 9.2. b). Your Data related to health will be processed with your consent (art. 9.2.a) orfor the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the Controller in the field of employment and social security and social protection law (art. 9.a.b) or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or enforcing our Code of Conduct (art. 9.a.f). 

3. How we process your data. Data are entered in the company information system in line with the applicable privacy laws, including the aspects pertaining to security and confidentiality and in accordance with the principle of fair, lawful and transparent processing. We will store the Data for one year in order to assess your application and after that period your Data are subsequently erased. All Data are processed both manually and electronically - in any case measures will be taken to ensure security and confidentiality. 

4. Who may access your Data. Data are accessible by the Company’s staff authorized to process Personal Data and particularly to HR staff, to staff belonging to the offices that are interested in your professional profile, to administrative staff, IT technicians and other staff members that need to process them to perform their job duties. Data may be communicated, also in non-EU countries (“Third Countries”) to (i) institutions, authorities, government agencies for their institutional functions, as well as legitimate recipients as set out by the applicable laws; (ii) professionals, collaborators (including those working as sole professionals or in partnership); third parties and providers of which the Company avails for commercial, technical and professional services (e.g. IT or cloud computing providers); (iii) third parties in case of mergers, acquisitions or company/branch take-overs; (iv) the Supervisory Body of the Company, based at the Company’s address, for the pursuit of its supervisory activities and for the enforcement of the Code of Conduct of the MENARINI Group. Data may be communicated, also in Third Countries, to other Companies of the MENARINI Group for the same purposes and/or for administrative/accounting purposes, pursuant to art. 6.1.(f) and Recital 48 GDPR. Such entities will use them only for the purposes indicated above and shall process them in compliance with the applicable laws on data protection. With the exception of the above, Data will not be shared with third parties, or published/disseminated. Data Recipients shall process them, as the case may be, in the capacity as data controllers, processors, or persons authorized to the processing, in compliance with the applicable laws on data protection. Regarding possible transfers of Data outside the EU, including countries whose laws do not afford the right to personal data privacy the same level of protection as EU Law, the Controller informs that all transfers shall in any event take place in accordance with the methods permitted by Chapter V of the GDPR, such as, for example, on the basis of the user’s consent, on the basis of the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission, by selecting parties enrolled in international programs for free movement of data (e.g. EU-USA Data Privacy Framework) or operating in countries considered safe by the European Commission. 

5. Your rights. By sending your CV and/or contacting the Company at the above address, you may at any time exercise the rights afforded by Articles 15-22 of the GDPR, including the right to obtain an updated list of those who may access your Data, obtain confirmation of the existence of Data pertaining to you in our databases, check the Data’s content, origin, correctness, location (also with reference to any Third Countries), request a copy thereof, request their rectification; in the cases provided by the law, request the restriction of their processing, their erasure, oppose to direct contact activities. Likewise, you may always make observations on specific issues regarding processing operations of your personal Data which you regard as incorrect or unjustified by your relationship with the Company to the DPO, or lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. You may at any time request the interruption of the processing of data provided to the Controller, even if this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal.



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4 values, which have given life to Menarini and shaped its history